
Ad-hoc health facility tools & workarounds: How Kenyan healthcare workers create their own solutions

Join JSI and Sonder Design Collective for the fifth and final mini 30-minute webinars sharing their initial findings from the Vx Data Insights research in Kenya. This Human-Centered Design study is a joint effort between the two organizations and the Ministry of Health in Kenya, aimed at understanding the challenges around collecting and using data for decision-making in delivering immunization services.

In this webinar, the team will take you through different ways in which facility-level staff is responding to time and staffing challenges by developing ad-hoc data collection tools and workarounds (https://medium.com/@vxdel/ad-hoc-heal...). Based on facility observations and interviews with healthcare workers, they will share specific examples of tools and approaches used by facilities. For more information about the work, you can download the initial Kenya findings report - https://bit.ly/kenya-vxdel-report-2.


  • Anglais

Année de publication





  • Données


  • Kenya


  • Qualité des données
  • Systèmes d'information de la vaccination

Régions de l'OMS

  • Région africaine

Ajouté par: Géraldine Nemrod

Ajouté le: 2022-03-27 02:14:20

Consultations: 809