Annual Partners Meeting - Updates from Brasilia

96 Annual Partners Meeting - Updates from Brasilia
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Date: 6 November 2019

3rd EYE Annual Partners Meeting: Global community working for yellow fever control

More than 130 participants from 16 countries, three WHO regions and a multitude of partners joined in Brasilia, Brazil for the EYE Annual Partners Meeting hosted by PAHO. This year's meeting was a unique and rich opportunity for sharing countries experiences  to better understand and control yellow fever risk. Topics included EYE implementation progress and challenges, global yellow fever epidemiological updates and risk assessments, including perspectives on surveillance enhancements (e.g., entomo-virological  and viral genomic), clinical management, and vaccine supply situation and forecast.

Participants benefited from presentations on the wealth of experience and innovation undertaken to manage the recent yellow fever outbreaks in Brazil. These included updates on the approach to assess risk, vaccination responses and clinical management experience. Extensive updates on yellow fever surveillance, risk, laboratories and vaccination were shared from a strong representation of high risk countries in Africa and the Americas.  

Since inception of the EYE Strategy, more than 134 million people are estimated to have received yellow fever vaccination in Africa, global vaccine supply has increased and is more stable, and there has been strengthened capacity of laboratories including streamlined international sample transportation.  EYE will continue to further increase impact. Ongoing activities include work to harmonize approaches to quantify risk, engagement with diagnostic manufacturers to develop improved diagnostics for yellow fever, and updates for clinical management informed by learning from Brazil.

The EYE Strategy is moving forward into the next phase of implementation and commitment was solidified through the engagement of countries, partners and regions at the meeting. The next priorities include:

  • Implement keys for success: country ownership, enhanced collaboration with countries twinning, and more partners’ on-the-ground support.
  • Advance technical themes: surveillance, clinical management, and the limitation of yellow fever exportation from endemic areas.
  • Accelerate EYE implementation: long-term approach with increased vaccine forecast accuracy and advanced planning for the preventive mass campaign, stronger contingency planning at regional and global level and coordination for vaccine access, and operationalize simple measures to improve routine immunization in high-risk areas that would be scaled-up once proven effective.
In the spirit of cross-regional collaboration and enrichment through shared experience, the 2020 EYE Annual Partners Meeting will be hosted by the WHO African Regional Office.

For further details, please see the PAHO story on the meeting here.

Sudan On-Track to Complete Nationwide Preventive Mass Vaccination Campaigns this Month

The final phase of the preventive mass vaccination campaigns (PMVCs) in Sudan have been launched in Khartoum. In 2019, the country covered the populations of Gezira, Sennar, and Blue Nile States in March-April, followed by Northern, River Nile and Khartoum in October-November. The completion of these campaigns mark a great achievement of Sudan to protect the Sudanese population and reduce the risk of yellow fever.

Recent outbreaks of other Aedes-borne diseases such as Dengue and Chikungunya underscore the importance of sustaining high population immunity. To address this, Sudan will also introduce yellow fever vaccination into the routine immunization schedule in 2020. The country is unique because PMVCs were interrupted after 2015 due to vaccine supply challenges. Catch-up vaccination will  be required to ensure that all children are protected, including infants and young children who were born in the interim period between the PMVCs and introduction of yellow fever vaccination into routine immunization programs. Equitable access to protect at-risk populations is a core objective of the EYE Strategy. EYE supports this initiative by Sudan to reduce risk and ensure lasting protection for all through vaccination. 

Nigeria's Rapid Response to Outbreak in Bauchi State: Continued efforts to ensure outbreak was curbed

A yellow fever outbreak centered in Yankari Game Reserve, in Alkaleri LGA, Bauchi State was declared after a cluster of cases and deaths with Yellow Fever symptoms started to present in August 2019. Detailed investigations were rapidly conducted with multi-disciplinary teams, supported by Nigeria Centre for Disease Control (NCDC).  Over 230 suspect cases have been reported to date, with at least 28 cases confirmed positive based on laboratory testing by the country and the Institut Pasteur Dakar regional reference laboratory.

A vaccination response to protect populations around the game reserve and prevent spread was rapidly implemented using vaccine mobilized in-country, supported through National Primary Health Care Development Agency (NPHCDA). The International Coordinating Group (ICG) on vaccine provision subsequently approved the replenishment of vaccine from the global stockpile. Efforts are underway to confirm that the measures implemented were sufficient to curb epidemic amplification and limit spread

Yellow Fever surveillance in Nigeria continues to be strengthened. Year-to-date has seen strong reporting, with all 36 states and Federal Capital Territory (FCT Abuja) sending suspect case samples for laboratory testing. The country is working with the African Regional Office to complete detailed assessments of the Yellow Fever network laboratories and to confirm fully validated in-country PCR capacity. 

Based on information extracted from the Yellow Fever Monthly Situation Report of Nigeria Centre for Disease Control (NCDC), serial BAS-002 Epi Weeks 35-38, 19 Sept 2019 and WHO Disease Outbreak News, 8 October 2019.


2019 EYE Implementation Updates (as of 5 November 2019)

Republic of Congo application for Preventive Mass Vaccination Campaigns (PMVC)  has undergone review by the Gavi Independent Review Committee (IRC).  This is a significant step for the country. The country is working to ensure that the application has all clarifications requested by the IRC. If the application is successful in its final stages, the country plans to implement in 2020.  

Nigeria, and Sudan have initiated PMVCs for 2019.  Sudan will complete implementation by mid-November. Nigeria has already completed activities in Katsina State, and will follow with activities in four additional states by end of 2019.

DRC and Ghana will implement PMVCs in early 2020. For Ghana, this campaign will represent the final stage to complete nationwide protection. 

Following Sudan's introduction, there will still be three high-risk countries yet to introduce yellow fever vaccination into routine immunization: Ethiopia, South Sudan and Uganda.
Upcoming Events
Yellow Fever Diagnostics Industry Consultation, UNICEF Supply Division, Copenhagen, Denmark, 11-12 November 2019.

Fractional Yellow Fever Vaccination Research Meeting, organized by the WHO Initiative for Vaccine Research, Washington DC, USA, 19 November 2019.

African Region Yellow Fever Surveillance and Laboratory Meeting, late February, dates and location to be determined

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