Free Tableau Training on Thursdays in June - RSVP Now


Due to popular demand, AIRA is offering a second free, fully-customized Tableau training on Thursdays in June, specifically, June 3, 10, 17, and 24 from noon to 4 p.m. ET via Zoom. We recently had a few slots open up and will take participants on a first-come, first-served basis. 

What are we going to cover?

This training is an introduction to Tableau Desktop and is specific to an IIS audience. You will build a solid foundation with Tableau using epidemiology data, including IIS and COVID-19 data. 

What do I need before class starts?

  • Dual monitors.
  • A mouse (not a laptop trackpad) is recommended.
  • Access to Tableau.

Are you interested?

If interested, please e-mail Taylor Payne right away. Due to the immense work of customizing these trainings, we ask that individuals commit only if they can attend all four training courses.

We look forward to your participation! Thank you.


American Immunization Registry Association 1717 Pennsylvania Avenue NW, Suite 1025, Washington, District of Columbia 20006, United States 202.522.0208