Monday, 03 September 2018
  1 Replies
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Good morning,

If your immunization programme uses a refrigerated vehicle WHO needs your insights and experience to help guide and improve the standards of these vehicles.

Take this opportunity to share your expertise with the community and contribute to global improvements.  Please post your answers to TechNet-21 to three questions below:

  • Excluding routine servicing, has the vehicle needed to be repaired over the past three years?
  • Inside the refrigerated body have you needed to fit new shelving or change the method of securing the vaccine or pharmaceutical load? 
  • Have there been any problems with the in-cab temperature monitoring of the vaccine storage compartment during the past three years?

'A Yes' or 'No' answer to each question will be very helpful but even more useful for WHO would a sentence or two describing in more detail the problem and the solution you have adopted.

These three questions are taken from a more comprehensive survey posted on TechNet-21 at:

If you choose to answer more answers in the survey, that would be best of all, of course!

Best regards.

 James Cheyne - contractor to WHO.

We used a refrigerated vehicle for mass immunization campaigns and routine vaccines delivery. I was directedly involved in these operations with the vehicle for about 3 years, from 2004 to 2007. 

1- No we did not need to repair the vehicle during that time, however, it is good to note that routine servicing was done regularly and accordingly. 

2- Although we thought that it will be an advantage to have an adapted shelving design in the vehicle, we did not add more shelves.

3- No, we did not experienced any problem with the in cab temperature monitoring at that time.


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