Friday, 21 June 2024
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Access to safe and effective medical products is a critical determinant of health outcomes, yet many low and middle-income countries still face significant challenges. 

Alarmingly, falsified medicines contribute to approximately 500,000 deaths every year in Sub-Saharan Africa alone.

It's crucial that we enhance medical product regulation and supply chain maturity.

By strengthening pharmaceutical systems, we can make quality-assured medical products accessible and affordable for all.

USAID MTaPS presents this animation  to highlight the urgent need for improving pharmaceutical systems. The video explains the comprehensive approach required and the critical role of pharmaceutical systems in overall health systems. It also offers insights into the pharmaceutical system within the context of Universal Health Care.

For a deeper understanding of the fundamental principles of pharmaceutical strengthening, explore our PSS 101 e-learning modules:

'We all have a role to play in Strengthening Pharmaceutical Systems. What is yours?”

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