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The WHO Department of Immunization Vaccines and Biologicals (IVB) is pleased to announce the upcoming second webinar series on Why Gender Matters for Immunization: IA2030.  The Immunization Agenda 2030 e...


When: Tuesday, March 15, 2022 3:30PM - 4:30PM (CET) Location: https://gavi-org.zoom.us/webinar/register/WN_Wx9c2pSFS7yXCBMKN98cjg Registration Link: https://gavi-org.zoom.us/webinar/register/WN_Wx9c2pSFS7yXCBMKN98cjg  Panelists:  • Sheldon Halsted, Linksbridge • Robert Steinglass (for...
New from Boost Sparks ⚡Hear from Ismaila Ibrahim Edego, an immunization expert who specializes in vaccine campaigns that reach underserved communities across Kaduna State, Nigeria.Edego joins the series to discuss some of his experiences conducting community sensitization sessions, including consist...
The Verification and Traceability Initiative is a partnership led by BMGF, GAVI, UNICEF, USAID, the Global Fund, and the World Bank that seeks to provide access to trusted health product data and tools and resources for verification and traceability, through the establishment of a global repository ...
HISP UiO and Gavi invite you to join us for the next webinar in our DHIS2 for Immunization series: Advanced Population Mapping in DHIS2. The latest release of DHIS2 introduces many new, advanced tools for mapping populations, building structures, and adding facility catchments areas. These features ...
Course Announcement: Storytelling For Change Self-Paced Online Training for Immunization & Other Health Care Professionals Deadline to register: Friday, March 4th The Boost Community, in partnership with People Power Health, is pleased to announce that we will again be offering a fi...
Over the past couple of years, the Boost Community has brought our members’ voices, like yours, to the forefront, highlighting challenges and successes of your work as you have strived to continue critical routine immunization services amidst the COVID-19 pandemic while at the same time, p...
  Considérant que le vaccin contre la rubéole est souvent combiné à d'autres vaccins, le cas du vaccin ROR (Rougeole Oreillons Rubéole) Considérant les effets néfastes de la rubéole chez la femme enceinte, particulièrement au premier trimestre de la grossesse (mort in utero, fosses couches, m...
  On behalf of the Sabin Vaccine Institute, the Bay Area Global Health Alliance and the Alliance for Advancing Health Online, we invite you to join us to explore Social Media Listening for Improved Vaccine Acceptance.During this live engagement, you will hear from a panel of g...
  The Boost Community in partnership with Ariadne Labs is excited to invite you to a live engagement focused on generating demand as vaccine site operators. In December 2021, the government of Côte d'Ivoire and VillagReach set up a COVID-19 vaccination site in the Youpougon district of Abidj...
WHO and UNICEF have made a powerful new tool available to Effective Vaccine Management (EVM) assessment managers. Once an EVM assessment has been completed, EVM managers can download the Microsoft Excel-based tool and use it to generate a list of improvement activities that address the weaknesses id...
Hello, With the advent of the new Pneumococcal and Rotavirus vaccines packaged in single dose pre-filled glass syringes, we are likely to be facing a complication in waste management. It's my understanding that this is likely to be a transitory trend for many of the new vaccines in the future, whic...
On February 1, 2022, HLN released a new version (v1.34.1) of the Immunization Calculation Engine (ICE) in support of updates to the COVID-19 vaccine. ICE is a state-of-the-art open source software system that provides clinical decision support for immunizations for use in Immunization Information Sy...
Behavioral science - the study of human behavior - offers significant promise in designing interventions to increase vaccine uptake for both COVID-19 and routine immunization programs. By understanding factors associated with low community demand for vaccination and developing appropriate interven...
Updated guidance to support countries in the development of National Immunization Strategies (NIS) is now available in English, French and Russian at https://www.who.int/teams/immunization-vaccines-and-biologicals/vaccine-access/planning-and-financing/nis. The Guidance is accompanied by a new ...
Register now to join thought leaders from GSK, ISGlobal, Oxford University, PATH, Sanaria, WHO, and other institutions in a discussion of: Lessons Learned from a Vaccine without a Dual Market -- from RTS,S Research and Development to Implementation and Distribution Future Malaria Vaccine R&D...
PATH cherche à comprendre l’impact du déploiement de la vaccination COVID-19 sur les systèmes de vaccination systématique, d’après les  leçons apprises de différents pays d’Afrique et d’Asie. Nous invitons les personnes suivantes à répondre à une enquête concernant leurs expériences &nb...
PATH is seeking to understand the impact of COVID-19 vaccine rollout on routine immunization systems, focusing on learnings from several countries in Africa and Asia. We are inviting the following individuals to complete a survey about their experience with COVID-19 vaccine rollout: Individuals w...
The Sabin Vaccine Institute and JSI Research & Training Institute, Inc. are proud to partner together to launch the Behavioral Science - Immunization Network. This network, hosted by Sabin’s Boost Community, will include immunization practitioners and social and behavioral science experts who ...
As part of the Global Mass Vaccination Site Collaborative, the Boost Community, in partnership with Ariadne Labs, is excited to present a conversation focused on the importance of mass vaccination sites and funding opportunities for COVID-19 vaccine rollout. We invite you to join us for this...
The Vaccine Preventable DIseases program of WHO AFRO would like to share with you the Lessons Library aggregating the main lessons and best practices from the COVID vaccine roll out over the last 10 months. These are mostly harvested from the intra-action reviews that countries conducted in the midd...
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