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  • Géraldine Nemrod created a new event

    COVID-19 Scholar Peer Hub Launch Event

    The COVID-19 pandemic is moving fast. We need to go faster to do better.

    In our daily work, we face challenges. We do our best to figure out how to overcome them. 

    Every day, we need to solve problems to keep vaccination services open and safe during the pandemic.

    By joining the COVID-19 Schol...

    The COVID-19 pandemic is moving fast. We need to go faster to do better.

    In our daily work, we face challenges. We do our best to figure out how to overcome them. 

    Every day, we need to solve problems to keep vaccination services open and safe during the pandemic.

    By joining the COVID-19 Scholar Peer Hub, you will tap into the collective know-how of more than 15,000 immunization professionals from 90 countries.

    7th Sep, 2020 15:00 - UTC
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