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Event Information
Event Title:
Event Date / Time:

17th Mar, 2022 8:00AM

Event Description:

The USAID Global Health Supply Chain Program – Procurement and Supply Management (GHSC-PSM) project is pleased to present an informational webinar on a new, innovative stock-alert tool called the Drugs out of Range (DOOR) System. DOOR aims to increase visibility of low-stock and stockout situations so that supply chain actors are empowered to correct these issues more rapidly. Current paper-based reporting systems often take weeks to deliver news of stockouts.

The DOOR pilot involved installing Wi-Fi-enabled stock-notification buttons—red for stockout, yellow to initiate restock, and green to reset the stock status to full—in select public sector health facilities in Angola. Cloud-based technology services simultaneously recorded the low-stock or stockout event in a database and alerted key supply chain actors through SMS alerts. Please join our webinar to learn more about the DOOR system technology, the pilot in Angola, and our lessons learned and key takeaways from the activity.


You can register for the webinar here: https://www.eventbrite.com/e/opening-the-door-to-a-new-commodity-stock-alert-system-tickets-277612966857

Speakers: Dr. Michael A. Cohen, GHSC-PSM Monitoring & Evaluation Director and Arthur Ostrega, Monitoring, Evaluation and Learning Advisor

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