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Event Information
Event Title:
Reaching Zero-Dose Children: Remote rural settings
Event Date / Time:
22nd Sep, 2022 3:00PM - 4:00PM (Europe/Zurich)
Event Description:

This webinar is the third session in the series on Reaching Zero-Dose Children.

The Zero-Dose Children Webinar series will build understanding of how to reach key populations which are missed by immunisation and other basic health services including communities residing in poor urban areas (informal settlements), those affected by conflict and displacement and residents of remote-rural areas. A final webinar will unpack challenges in health workforce in reaching missed communities with basic health services. The webinars will share specific country experiences on the latest learning and best practices for bringing services to the hard-to-reach. This webinar series is a joint initiative between Technet, the Zero-Dose Community of Practice and the Immunization Agenda 2030 working group on coverage and equity.

Session 3: Remote rural settings
22 Sep 2022 - 3pm CEST

Remote-rural regions are hard-to-reach due to their geography or distance from more urban and peri-urban areas. This distance creates a challenge in transport for health workers and supply chains. These same communities face challenges to travel to medical care when required which makes it even more important that children are vaccinated against childhood illnesses. During this webinar, experts with share the experiences of reaching hard-to-reach populations in rural areas and nomadic communities.

Register here: https://who.zoom.us/webinar/register/WN_CEg5D2zmSYGB0nGjEhNqvA

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