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Event Information
Event Title:
Join us for Webinar on Pharmacovigilance
Event Date / Time:
21st Oct, 2022 12:00PM - 1:30PM (UTC)
Event Description:

Empower School of Health would like to invite you all for the upcoming webinar on Pharmacovigilance.

Tune in on 21st October 2022 at ⏰3 PM EAT for an interactive session which will reflect insights on this important topic. We are hosting this webinar in collaboration with The Global Fund & Tanzania Medicines and Medical Devices Authority (TMDA). 

Speakers - Dr. Sangeeta Sharma & Mr. Shimelis E. Belaineh

Moderator - Ms. Gladness Salema

Platform - Zoom

Register Now: https://bit.ly/3CKQDxS

You can also join us through fb live: www.facebook.com/eshllp/live

Participation is free and a certificate of participation will be provided.

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