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Event Information
Event Title:
Facility-level activities: Managing health care waste
Event Date / Time:
20th Feb, 2024 8:00AM - 9:30AM (UTC)
Event Description:

This webinar session is the third in the series on 'Achieving Sustainable Health Care Waste Management'.

This three-part webinar series, hosted by UNICEF and GAVI, will orient participants on the key actions to needed to address health care waste, including national strategies, facility-level improvements, and the selection of green technologies.

Session 3: Facility-level activities: Managing health care waste

This session will share the tools available for assessing healthcare waste management at the facility-level and discuss the capacity building activities that can be undertaken to improve waste management.

Register here: https://who.zoom.us/webinar/register/WN_HRN6NYOGTrO3FxOx0Zto2Q#/registration

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