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Are you interested in knowing more on DHIS2 for new vaccine deliveries with a focus on Malaria vaccination? Join this q...

Are you interested in knowing more on DHIS2 for new vaccine deliveries with a focus on Malaria vaccination?

Join this quarter’s Gavi-supported DHIS2 for Immunization webinar focusing on leveraging DHIS2 for new and emerging vaccine deliveries. As of October 2023, WHO recommends the programmatic use of malaria vaccines for the prevention of P. falciparum malaria in children living in malaria-endemic areas, prioritizing areas of moderate and high transmission.

This webinar will feature real implementation examples demonstrating how countries are approaching these new activities and integrating the new components into their DHIS2-based Expanded Program on Immunization (EPI) programs and DHIS2 national Health Management Information Systems (HMIS) platforms.

Whether you are a Ministry representative, a country stakeholder, a donor or a global partner, register now for this free event here and you will receive a link to the webinar before the event takes place.

This webinar is organized by HISP-UiO with support from GAVI.

Register here: https://us06web.zoom.us/meeting/register/tZcsf-6rqzorHNLEmcJkhv-CEs9H-rhQF3Ng#/

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    Harnessing DHIS2 for New Vaccine Deliveries: Spotlight on Malaria Vaccination

    Are you interested in knowing more on DHIS2 for new vaccine deliveries with a focus on Malaria vaccination?

    Join this quarter’s Gavi-supported DHIS2 for Immunization webinar focusing on leveraging DHIS2 for new and emerging vaccine deliveries. As of October 2023, WHO recommends the programmatic ...

    Are you interested in knowing more on DHIS2 for new vaccine deliveries with a focus on Malaria vaccination?

    Join this quarter’s Gavi-supported DHIS2 for Immunization webinar focusing on leveraging DHIS2 for new and emerging vaccine deliveries. As of October 2023, WHO recommends the programmatic use of malaria vaccines for the prevention of P. falciparum malaria in children living in malaria-endemic areas, prioritizing areas of moderate and high transmission.

    This webinar will feature real implementation examples demonstrating how countries are approaching these new activities and integrating the new components into their DHIS2-based Expanded Program on Immunization (EPI) programs and DHIS2 national Health Management Information Systems (HMIS) platforms.

    Whether you are a Ministry representative, a country stakeholder, a donor or a global partner, register now for this free event here and you will receive a link to the webinar before the event takes place.

    This webinar is organized by HISP-UiO with support from GAVI.

    Register here: https://us06web.zoom.us/meeting/register/tZcsf-6rqzorHNLEmcJkhv-CEs9H-rhQF3Ng#/

    28th May, 2024 14:00 - Europe/Berlin
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