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    TechNet Conference: Conference opening plenary

    The opening ceremony of the 16th TechNet Conference.


    Conference opening

    Soulemane Kone (WHO).

    Opening remarks

    Ann Lindstrand (WHO)

    Robin Nandy (UNICEF)

    Alex de Jonquieres (Gavi)


    Building resilience in the ‘global South’: A message from Senegal

    Dr Marie Khémesse Ngom Ndiaye (Director...

    The opening ceremony of the 16th TechNet Conference.


    Conference opening

    Soulemane Kone (WHO).

    Opening remarks

    Ann Lindstrand (WHO)

    Robin Nandy (UNICEF)

    Alex de Jonquieres (Gavi)


    Building resilience in the ‘global South’: A message from Senegal

    Dr Marie Khémesse Ngom Ndiaye (Director-General, Ministry of Health, Senegal).

    Ensuring that countries are ready for a Covid-19 vaccine

    Benjamin Schreiber (UNICEF)

    Overview of the Country Readiness and Delivery (CRaD) working group that is co-lead by WHO and UNICEF and is developing tools, guidance and approaches to ensure countries are ready for a covid-19 vaccine introduction. The objective is to coordinate approaches with key stakeholders and partners, communicate and monitor progress.

    Ensuring access to medication: innovating to minimize the impact of COVID-19: A message from the winner of the Oman Youth Covid-19 Innovation Challenge

    Saada Al Salti (Team Teryaq)

    The global pandemic has been a rallying call for youth innovators and entrepreneurs across the world. Young people are eager to contribute their talents and passion to helping those in need, and making societies more resilient. Saada Al Salti is team lead of Team Teryaq – the winners of the Oman Youth Covid-19 Innovation Challenge. It was held in June with support from the Oman Technology Fund and Unicef, to engage young local innovators and startups with the goal of creating solutions for health and education sectors that are rooted in technology.

    20th Oct, 2020 15:00 - 16:00 - Europe/Paris
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