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  •   VIVUYA SIVAHERA reacted to this post about 3 years ago
    Sanjay Saha created a new event

    Collective Learning Certificate 1: Supply Chain for Health

    The Collective Learning Certificate Course: Supply Chain for Health combines the internationally accepted supply chain competencies with the public health context, to make it relevant and relatable for public health academics and professionals. It is the first course in the sector, where particip...

    The Collective Learning Certificate Course: Supply Chain for Health combines the internationally accepted supply chain competencies with the public health context, to make it relevant and relatable for public health academics and professionals. It is the first course in the sector, where participants not only learn from the content, but also from their peers through several group and individual networking opportunities. It is relevant for all public health professionals who have started to work in immunization supply chain, or are beginning their careers in this direction.


    Find more information here: https://hive.beeskilled.com/collective-learning-certificate/

    17th May, 2021 - 14th Jun, 2021 - UTC
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