
TechNet Conference 2015: CTC - Where do we go from here?

Many vaccines are more heat stable than their labelling suggests. Leveraging the true thermostability of vaccines opens the possibility to be used outside of the traditional 2 to 8°C cold chain in a Controlled Temperature Chain (CTC). Yet, translating this into a safe and effective practice in countries remains a challenge. A key component of the CTC agenda is the definition of the conditions allowing a CTC to be adopted, w hich includes documented thermostability and regulatory approval. To date, only one vaccine product has successfully met the criteria to be licensed and pr equalified for use in

a CTC. How can this be done for other existing heat stable vaccines? What is preventing future vaccines to be licenced with a CTC label? What are the main challenges both upstream in the vaccine development and manufacturing stage and downstream- at country-level implementation? These questions will be addressed by a variety of experts representing a cross-section of CTC stakeholders and perspectives.


  • English

Publication year







  • Supply chain & logistics


  • Controlled temperature chain (CTC)

Added by: Géraldine Nemrod

Added on: 2022-04-01 09:33:41

Hits: 643