Healthcare Waste Management

Sophie De Fries

As the global healthcare system expands, including the increasing success of immunization efforts, this inevitably leads to a growing amount of healthcare waste (HCW). Certain types of HCW can pose significant environmental and public health risks due to its toxic, infectious, and other hazardous properties. It is important to recognize that immunization activities are part of the overall health system, and healthcare waste management (HCWM) must be coordinated across many entities, different departments, and, often, even the private sector.

Looking at various countries around the world, one finds that there are many different types of health systems, thus many different types of waste management systems as well. Thus, HCWM is a system that must be planned and coordinated across multiple stakeholders and programs. Immunization leaders must closely coordinate with the government entities responsible for waste management to best link resources and technologies in ensuring best practices for managing healthcare waste.

This page provides a list of resources related to healthcare waste management, as well as materials developed by local governments, multinational organizations, and the private sector. The aim is to inform and guide constituents in the public and private sector. Additionally, this page sponsors a constructive dialogue on everything from what it takes to design an HCWM plan, to applying best practices between existing HCWM models among countries in different contexts.

Apropos of the multifaceted nature of HCWM, this page’s resources have been organized according to the following categories:

Technical Webinar Series: Planning, Technology, and Capacity Strengthening

Facility-level activities: Managing health care waste - presentationMwenge Mwanamwenge, Ieva Petrikaite, Andrew Cantillo, Aurélien Bataille, Benjamin Lobbe, Loubna Essabouri, Ledina Hyseni2024PresentationEnglish
Facility-level activities: Managing health care waste - video Mwenge Mwanamwenge, Ieva Petrikaite, Andrew Cantillo, Aurélien Bataille, Benjamin Lobbe, Loubna Essabouri, Ledina Hyseni2024WebinarEnglish
Green & safe technologies for health care waste treatment: From selection & procurement to implementation - presentation Bertin Technologies, Ecosteryl, Newster, Tesalys2024PresentationEnglish
Green & safe technologies for health care waste treatment: From selection & procurement to implementation - video Bertin Technologies, Ecosteryl, Newster, Tesalys2024WebinarEnglish
National strategies to improve Health Care Waste Management (HCWM) - presentationIsabelle Cantin, Ranjit Dhiman, Patricia Darikwa, Mwenge Mwanamwenge2023PresentationEnglish
National strategies to improve Health Care Waste Management (HCWM) - videoIsabelle Cantin, Ranjit Dhiman, Patricia Darikwa, Mwenge Mwanamwenge2023WebinarEnglish

Assessments & Planning Tools 

This is a set of resources that supports training and capacity building for health workers involved in HCWM.

Policy and guidance 

Facility Health Care Waste Management Plan - GuidanceHealth Care Without HarmToolEnglish
Gestion Des déchets solides d’activités de soins dans les centres de santé primaireWorld Health Organization (WHO)2005GuidanceFrench
Green Healthcare WasteGlobal Environment Facility (GEF), UNDP, World Health Organization (WHO), Health Care Without HarmRepositoryEnglish
Hospital Service Management (2nd revised; 2015) GuidelinesGovernment of Bangladesh2015ReportEnglish
Management of solid health-care waste at primary health-care centresWorld Health Organization (WHO)2005GuidanceEnglish
Planning and Implementing High-Quality Supplementary Immunization Activities for Injectable VaccinesWorld Health Organization (WHO)2016GuidanceEnglish
Préparation des plans nationaux de gestion des déchets de soins médicaux en Afrique subsahariennePNUE - Programme des Nations Unies pour l’Environnement, World Health Organization (WHO)2016GuidanceFrench
Preparation of National Healthcare Waste Management Plans in Sub-Saharan Countries - Guidance ManualUNDP, World Health Organization (WHO)2016GuidanceEnglish
Safe Management of Wastes from Health-Care ActivitiesWorld Health Organization (WHO)2014ToolEnglish
Safe management of wastes from health-care activities: a summaryWorld Health Organization (WHO)2017GuidanceEnglish
Training for mid-level managers - Module 3: Immunization SafetyWorld Health Organization (WHO)2008ToolEnglish
Unit 5 - Safe injections and Waste DisposalGovernment of India2017GuidanceEnglish


This is a set of resources that describes the different technologies currently employed in HCWM.

Case Studies & Country Features

Coordinate Waste Contracts to Maximize Waste Program PerformanceSustainability Roadmap for Hospitals2015Case studyEnglish
GEF Project Case Study - Cooperation with the Private Sector ZoomPak - Central Treatment Facility in AccraHealth Care Without Harm, UNDP, World Health Organization (WHO)2020Case studyEnglish
Go Green - NYP Queens has reduced Carbon Emission Reduction by 38%NewYork-Presbyterian2019Case studyEnglish
Health Care Waste Management Standard Operating Procedures (First Edition)Ministry of Health of Kenya2016GuidanceEnglish
Healthcare waste management in Nigeria: A case studyStephen Obekpa Abah, Elijah Ige Ohimain2011Case studyEnglish
Healthcare Waste Management in the Kyrgyz RepublicSwiss Red Cross2014Case studyEnglish
Kenya Healthcare Waste Management Strategic Plan 2015-2020Ministry of Health of Kenya2015GuidanceEnglish
National Healthcare Waste Management PolicyRepublic of Nigeria: Ministries of Health and the Environment2013GuidanceEnglish
Policy Brief No.4 Health Facility Committees: The Governance Issue Best Practices in Community-Based Health InitiativesAKHS Kenya2000Case studyEnglish
Situation Analysis of Infection and Prevention Control in Bishkek and Osh, KyrgyzstanAIDSTAR-One (USAID)2008Case studyEnglish
Status of health-care waste management in selected countries of the Western Pacific Region (2015)World Health Organization (WHO)2015Case studyEnglish
Strengthening immunization waste management systems in MyanmarPATH2019Case studyEnglish
Survey on Quantitative and qualitative assessment of medical waste generation and management in Dhaka North City Corporation And Dhaka South City CorporationPRISM2013Case studyEnglish
Zoompak inaugurates new Achimota Transfer StationZoomPak2017Case studyEnglish
Закон об отходах производства и потребленияПравительство Кыргызской Республики2001GuidanceRussian
Санитарно-эпидемиологические правила и нормативыПравительство Кыргызской Республики2016GuidanceRussian